Why Our Customers
Choose Us




Certified dry cleaners for designer clothes and garments
Home and Commercial laundry services
Wedding gown dry cleaning, restoration and preservation
Charleston Prestige Cleaners is dedicated to excellent cleaning quality whether it be your everyday work wear, to your favorite couture collectables, and most importantly to helping preserve your most cherished memories with our wedding gown preservation expertise. We are committed to excellence through our core values: Integrity, Respect, Quality, and Conscientiousness.
Let the #1-rated dry cleaners in Charleston be your go-to for dry cleaning, laundry, and specialized garment cleaning services. We understand life gets busy, so we’re happy to offer you laundry pick-up service as well as laundry delivery service. Sit back, relax, and let us take one of your chores off your plate.
Our promise is top-notch service for each and every customer!
New Customer? Fill out our form to make an account.
Schedule your service and estimated pick-up.
Fill your bag and leave it out for us.
Enjoy freshly laundered or dry cleaned clothes right to your door.
The facts speak for themselves. Our quality of service is evident in our customers' loyalty.
We are family owned and operated and have been serving Charleston, SC for over 50 years.
For you, this is a chore; for us, this is our passion. We want to bring you the best care possible and won't fall short of our goals
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